Best Carpenters in Dallas

A carpenter can not only dedicate himself to wood, others are more prepared to work with coatings, drywall, and placement of frames and beams, among many other variants, where the salary will undoubtedly depend on the experience and quality with which the order is delivered.

But while that average per hour isn’t a bad thing, some places in the country pay carpenters better than others. 

These are the cases of states like Hawaii with an hourly wage of 36.98 dollars; New Jersey, with $32.31; Illinois with 32.08 dollars; Alaska with $31.74; and New York with $31.66 per hour.

It is important to know that the same study showed that the industries with the highest concentration of employment in this occupation are: the construction of residential buildings, construction of non-residential buildings, and finishing of buildings.

Tremble Furniture

This is one of my favorites. His work is of absolute precision and combines both ultra-artisanal work and the use of machines. The design of his furniture is usually quite minimalist and the videos in which he sees the work process have a hypnotic something.

Frank Klausz

Frank Klausz is a Hungarian carpenter based in New Jersey (United States) with a good handful of very educational videos on youtube about artisanal carpentry.

Kobeomsuk furniture

According to the website, Kobeomsuk Furniture is a Dallas furniture brand born in 2017, and two are responsible for it: KoBeomsuk (the founder, designer, and carpenter) and Kim Hyeyoon (Designer).

Pask Makes

Pask is an Australian handyman with a handful of videos showing us his inventions. Besides wood, he also works with iron and other materials. He sometimes makes a mistake and has no qualms about admitting it and repeating the job.

How to Become a Carpenter

The path to becoming a carpenter is regulated by the CCNL for construction companies, specifically by article 90, this means that there is an obligation to follow training courses organized by the Region to obtain the qualification of a carpenter. 

Therefore, enrollment in a certified construction school is a mandatory step for him. After the specific course, an internship period is also mandatory to learn all the basics of the trade. 

Finally, it is also necessary to obtain a certificate of safety in the workplace, by attending a 16-hour course. Each of these schools and each of these courses is managed by the National Board for Professional Training in Construction.